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Holley McCreary

CT singer/songwriter Holley McCreary returns to the Summer Music Series. Her roots stem from the deep south. Growing up in Florida and Alabama, Holley was heavily influenced by gospel music and Muscle Shoals sound.

In her latest venture, Holley is harkening back to her southern roots while embracing a fresh new sound for the artist. Pulling inspiration from artists like Bobbie Gentry, Susan Tedeschi, Bonnie Raitt and The Allman Brothers, Holley’s most recent releases are powerful, soulful compositions written over the last 20 years of her life. The experiences that have shaped her both as an artist and a person have also molded her music into the fresh new sound you hear today.

Our 2024 Summer Music Series continues again this season on Fridays and Sundays. Join us for the music and the spectacular wine selections, bites, and atmosphere of our beautiful setting here at Jones Family Farms.


A video from our 2023 Summer Music Series on 8/27/23 with CT singer/songwriter Holley McCreary.

Be Good to the Land and the Land will be Good to You.

Philip James Jones, Farm Founder, 1821-1912