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planting Christmas trees

Our Farm's Harvest Your Own Seasons

At Jones Family Farms, we focus on 4 wonderful harvest your own crops - strawberries in June, blueberries in July/early August, pumpkins in late September/October, and Christmas trees in late November/December. For daily updates on our seasons and hours, call the Farmer Jones Crop Line at 203-929-8425.

Seasonal Hours of Operation

baskets of strawberries and blueberries

Fresh picked strawberries and blueberries


Strawberries are ripe for harvest sometime in early June and usually last into the last week of June, sometimes the first week of July. We grow strawberries at both our Valley Farm and Pumpkinseed Hill Farm.

More about strawberry harvesting


Blueberries are ready for harvest in early to mid-July and usually last until early August. However, we adapt to what Mother Nature gives us each year. We grow blueberries at both our Valley Farm and Pumpkinseed Hill Farm.

More about blueberry harvesting

Jones-grown pumpkins and gourds
Young trees in the field

Jones-grown pumpkins, gourds and Christmas trees

Pumpkins & Squash & Gourds

Pumpkin season is located at Pumpkinseed Hill at 120 Beardsley Road in Shelton. Once we open, typically in late September, the season runs daily through Halloween. 

More about pumpkin season

Christmas Trees

Starting the weekend before Thanksgiving, the farm is open daily until Christmas Eve at Homestead Farm. (Closed Thanksgiving Day) During the busy weekends, we also open our Valley Farm. To harvest your own tree, you must arrive by 4:00 pm. Check the homepage and call the Crop Report at 203-929-8425 for updates on hours.

More about Christmas tree harvesting

wine tasting mom and daughter
halve full glass of wine in the tasting room

Tastings and light fare are available at the Winery

Jones Winery

For more information about the Jones Winery, please visit at Plan Your Winery Visit.

As we reflect on our agricultural adventures and experiences, I find it exciting to realize that our many environmental practices work in symbiosis with the positive ecological impacts and the economic success of our farm.

I believe this is a critical message for our nation to embrace.

Terry Jones