Find your perfect pumpkin
We grow our pumpkins here on the farm! With our decades of pumpkin-growing experience, we have chosen an amazing selection. Whether your perfect pumpkin is white or orange, tall and narrow, or short and squat, you can find one in our pumpkin patches. Some of our large, beautiful pumpkins have long, magnificent stems that you won't find anywhere!
Your purchasing pumpkins at our farm supports our farmers keeping 25 acres of land throughout our farm that dedicated to pumpkins, and another 25-50 acres dedicated to cover crops and crop rotation needed to grow the pumpkins sustainably. Thank you! The wildlife thank you, too!

Our pumpkins range from our tiny, fun gourd pumpkins to our enormous “Jamie’s Giants.” No matter the size of the pumpkin or squash, there are few important harvesting tips to help you select and store your winter squash.

Look for winter squash and pumpkins that have hard, tough skin (or rind) with no cracks, cuts, punctures, or soft, sunken or moldy spots. Choose squash and pumpkins that are firm and heavy for their size. When you knock on it, a ripe, mature pumpkin or squash will sound hollow.

When picking up or carrying your pumpkin, always hold it from underneath rather than by the stem. Although stems may make tempting handles, they will often break under the weight of a hanging pumpkin.
Pumpkins and squash are best when stored in a cool, dry place. If storing pumpkins and squash for winter food, an unheated basement or room works very well. The squash will last for months if stored this way - cool and dry, away from high and freezing temperatures.
When placing pumpkins and squash in your home, most will last for a few weeks inside a heated space, but do not place near heat sources which will make them prematurely overripen. The cooler the space, the better. If using pumpkins as indoor decor, check frequently to see if the pumpkin is still firm, especially on the bottom.
When deciding where to place your lovely white pumpkins, one should note that they will turn a creamy yellow-white color if placed in the sun.